05 Dec Relieve Summertime Allergies
Many people dread the springtime with its onslaught of pollen and other allergens. Once September rolls around some may think the stuffed-up, watery-eyes, itchy-nose time is over.
Not necessarily.
Summer is peak time for many allergens, so make sure you’re equipped with the right knowledge to get you through summertime so you can vacation, travel, and enjoy the warm weather.
What allergens are prominent in the summer?
- Weeds and grass: Trees and other plants contribute to spring allergies, but weed and grass pollen is high in the summer. Some types of weeds and grass cause problems at the beginning while others, like ragweed wreak havoc at the end and into the fall.
- Mold: Summer provides the optimal environment for many molds since they grow in hot, damp places, whether that be in heaps of grass clippings or in your house.
- Dust mites: Peak breeding season for dust mites is between May and October, with July being the worst. Much like mold, dust mites like humidity. They especially like places such as mattresses and pillows.
- Smog: Another problem that many allergy-sufferers have during summer is increased pollution. One of the biggest problems pollution-wise is ozone, which is created by a mix of strong sunlight and chemicals in car exhaust. With less wind during the summer, this ozone can settle high-population areas.
Facts to be aware of:
- Lengthened allergy season: It seems like allergy season is getting longer year over year. One study found that ragweed pollen season more than tripled in length from 1995 to 2015. Some speculate this is because of global warming. Whatever the reason, it is important to be aware of what is going on in your environment so you can properly prepare.
- Home not a safe haven?: One study found that the amount of indoor pollutants in U.S. homes was two to five times higher than pollution outside. Many people feel that going outside causes problems during allergy season, but being inside could be just as bad.
What Can You Do?
- Be aware of the pollen count: There are a few good websites and apps that can alert you when specific allergens are high in your area. Knowing when levels are higher will help you prepare. Allergy New Zealand has a brilliant Annual Pollen Calendar.
- Close the windows: Even though it is warm and nice outside, make sure to keep your house as allergen-free as possible so you have a place to escape when needed.
- Frequently shower: You will always come in contact with allergens—it’s inevitable. Getting the allergens off your body is key to making sure you don’t have a bad reaction. Shower morning and night and wash your hands and face throughout the day.
- Frequently wash bedding and linens: To ensure that your aren’t spending more time than absolutely necessary around allergens, make sure the places you spend the most time are fresh and clean. It is also a good idea to get mattress and pillow covers for allergies.
- Wash your nose with Xlear Nasal Spray: Your nose is one of the main places where allergens enter your body and cause problems. The nose filters the air you breathe but as with any filter, you need to regularly clean it. Use Xlear Nasal Spray daily to make sure your airway is healthy and free of allergens.
- Change filters in your house with a HEPA filter: Make sure the air you’re pumping into your house is clean. Having a fresh HEPA filter is crucial for a healthy environment.
If your allergies are worse than normal, use Xlear Max. Xlear Max has capsicum annum, which acts as a natural antihistamine to battle against the worst allergy symptoms.
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