19 Mar Rescue from Colds and the Flu
Influenza/Flu is a significant public health issue in this country, with 10–20 percent of New Zealanders infected every year (Ministry of Health, 2020). According to new research from Otago University scientists who say the flu is likely New Zealand’s single biggest infectious disease killer, accounting for about 1.8 percent of deaths in the country.
Though it’s hard to predict how the 2019-2020 flu season will be, everyone needs to be prepared. The Ministry of Health recommends getting a flu vaccine, which is specially formulated for the strains of the virus that will be present that specific season. If you are aged 65 or over, pregnant, or have a health condition such as diabetes or heart disease that puts you at greater risk of influenza, you can get vaccinated free from 18 March 2020, at a general practice or vaccinating pharmacy.
However, the flu shot can be a polarising topic. Whether you’re for or against it, there are other things you can do to stay healthy and get over any sniffles that may come. Colds and flu affect the nose, the Xlear nasal system can help prevent germs from sticking to your mucus membranes.
Xlear Sinus Care prides itself in providing natural ways to clean the nose and sinuses to keep you healthy and symptom-free. The original Xlear Nasal Spray is the perfect companion for daily hygiene and cleaning. When symptoms worsen, you can opt for the Xlear Sinus Rinse to flush everything out, or you can also choose Xlear Rescue.
Xlear Rescue is a newly formulated product. Its foundation is the solution from the Xlear Nasal Spray but it also includes essential oils and herbs like oregano, eucalyptus, and Pao d’Arco. for added benefit. Xlear Rescue is the perfect option for this time of year. Just like the original Xlear Nasal Spray, Xlear Rescue is drug-free with no risk of rebound or addiction. Make sure you’re ready for what’s coming. Want to learn more about Xlear Rescue?
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